School Of The Psalmists

School Of The Psalmists: Where Being a Son/Daughter After Father God’s Own Heart And Playing Skillfully Unto Him Converge. Online and on sight instruction ENROLLING NOW!

There is a clarion call in the Spirit for Kingdom of Heaven psalmists to be raised up, equipped, and released within:

*the Body of Christ
*the prayer movement
*the worship movement
*and throughout the church.

The time is NOW for a convergence of sonship/being a daughter after Father God’s own heart and playing skillfully unto Him to be activated. Both revival and reformation will require psalmists, i.e. David’s and the restoration of his tabernacle of skilled singers and musicians (Acts 15:13-18), positioned on the walls to which they are called (Isaiah 62:6-7) as the Father’s ambassadors empowered by the love of Christ.

Through delighting in our Heavenly Father and the desire He has placed in my heart (Psalm 37:4-6), Holy Spirit is leading me to use my years of intimate and extensive training in His Word by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6), along with my years of studying to show myself approved through education and hands-on experience/ministry (2 Timothy 2:15), to equip a generation of psalmists who possess wholehearted love, devotion, revelation, capacity, and the necessary musical skills, i.e. to understand their unique role as psalmists in releasing the atmosphere of Heaven on Earth, i.e. the love of our Heavenly Father and His sevenfold Spirit (Isaiah 11:1-4a), in this Kingdom age of restoration (Daniel 7:21-27), on behalf of setting captives free (Isaiah 61).

David employed 288 skilled singers and 4,000 skilled musicians, 24/7, to enthrone Jehovah God with new songs, prophesy, and Selahs, over the course of 33 years. The Lord is again establishing His house of prayer in a variety of unique and glorious ways. Our School of the Psalmists will explore Biblical history, definitions, Scriptural tunings and frequencies, along with methodology to increase/enhance skill levels necessary for such a time as this.

For further information, questions, or to register, please contact us.